04. Ian MacKenzie on Tamera: The Village of Lovers Documentary
Listen now (32 min) | Ian MacKenzie, documentary filmmaker and love activist, joins Kelly for a quick 30-minute 'wild card episode' to discuss his groundbreaking film project, Tamera: The Village of Lovers. In this conversation, Ian shares why Tamera, a Peace Research and Education Center in Portugal, is a revolutionary model for Eros-based community living in a post-pandemic world — and what we can all learn from them regardless of where, how or with whom we choose to live.
04. Ian MacKenzie on Tamera: The Village of Lovers Documentary
04. Ian MacKenzie on Tamera: The Village of…
04. Ian MacKenzie on Tamera: The Village of Lovers Documentary
Listen now (32 min) | Ian MacKenzie, documentary filmmaker and love activist, joins Kelly for a quick 30-minute 'wild card episode' to discuss his groundbreaking film project, Tamera: The Village of Lovers. In this conversation, Ian shares why Tamera, a Peace Research and Education Center in Portugal, is a revolutionary model for Eros-based community living in a post-pandemic world — and what we can all learn from them regardless of where, how or with whom we choose to live.